Best website awarded to Surrey County Council
Surrey County Council’s website has had it’s excellence recognised by The Society for Information Technology Management (SOCITM).
I have no hesitation in giving this site the highest rating I can. It was a joy to use.
The title of the best local government website in the UK has been awarded to Surrey County Council - a fantastic website that is run and supported by none other than Squiz Matrix!
This award means that Surrey County Council’s website has had it’s excellence recognised by The Society for Information Technology Management (SOCITM). This is the body for IT professional involved in using technology to deliver public services - so they sure know what they’re talking about.
Commenting on the websites UX, one of the SOCITM reviewers said:
'I have no hesitation in giving this site the highest rating I can. It was a joy to use. Information was excellent and the paths to it easy to follow. The site makes creating a local authority website that works well look easy! The mobile experience was very good and reached deeper than many sites' mobile offerings. Congratulations to the web team on an excellent site!'
Helyn Clack, the Cabinet Member for Community Services at Surrey County Council, said upon receiving the award:
‘It's fantastic to know that we have the UK's best local government website. I'm sure that this is as a result of our willingness to embrace innovation to meet the 21st century needs of our residents.'
Congratulations Surrey!